Rice Farming In Nigeria And List Of Top Rice Brands

Rice Farming In Nigeria

Today, as in 2023, we’re going to be talking about Rice Farming in Nigeria, the Top Made in Nigeria Rice available in the market, and the Top Rice brands in Nigeria. Undoubtedly, Rice is still the second most popular crop after maize at the moment.

Nonetheless, after information technology and the oil & gas industry that can never feed the population, the agricultural sector is the third-best profitable business in the world, though Agriculture can address that.

According to the Rice Farmers Association of Nigeria (RIFAN), there are more than 12.2 million members involved in rice farming, milling, storage and management, trading and marketing, export, research and training, and, allied enterprises. This number has also been growing, especially since Nigeria Rice escalated in 2015.

RIFAN has made us aware that they aim to ensure Nigerian rice production meets the local demand, which is estimated to be around 5 million tons annually.

This list of Rice Farming in Nigeria and Top Made in Nigeria Rice will be pointing to them to their achievements and contact details.

The Nigerian government has recently closed the country’s land border where Rice and other poultry products enter the country. The government has advocated for people to go into rice farming to meet the demand for rice.

How to Start a Rice Farming Business in Nigeria

Experts say the farmer needs to select the right land for his farm in rice farming.

To ensure a long-term presence in the rice farming business, it is advisable for farmers to select sites in ecological zones with a historical record of rice cultivation.

It has been proven that rice farming can be practiced in geographical zones across the country, including the north, east, west, and south.

Moreover, rice farming can be a complicated business and as such, it is important to conduct thorough research before starting to grow.

Nonetheless, it is preferable to choose fertile lands with a high capacity for water retention, swampy lands, and organic matter such as loamy soil.

Farmers can cultivate rice using either transplantation or direct seeding methods. Prior to cultivation, they spray the seeds onto the soil and then plow them into the ground using a plow.

Farmers soak the rice seeds in water for 34 hours, followed by a drying period of 24 hours, after which the seeds are ready for germination.

After planting, it takes between 120-200 days for the rice grains to reach maturity for harvest, which can vary depending on the specific area and other factors. Once the rice is ready, the grains change color from green to golden-yellow and naturally fall off the stalk.

Before the actual harvest, it is necessary to dry out the water in the rice paddies and ensure proper ripening of the rice.

The harvesting process involves using a mechanized thresher to slice the stalk just below the heads and extract the grains. However, there is still a significant amount of work remaining to be done.

Support for Farmers

The Nigerian government is trying to improve its agricultural industry in several ways: Government grants loans provided by non-profit support from foreign agencies such as the World Bank at low-interest rates to farmers grants and innovation…

The List of Top Rice Brands in Nigeria as of 2023

1. Abakaliki Rice

Top Made in Nigeria Rice Available in the Market

The first Rice Mill industry in the state of Abakaliki Ebonyi has been producing Abakaliki Rice since its creation in 1996. The Rice Milling industry remains Ebonyi state’s main revenue avenue.

Recently, advancements in technology have made the process of planting, harvesting, and milling rice in Abakaliki much smoother. Many rice vendors say that there are little to no stones in the grain.

Abakaliki rice is as nutritious as, or even more so, imported rice. The good taste and quality come from the Ebonyi state’s moist nature and salinity. Abakaliki rice is cheap when compared to a parboiled rice bag…

Contact Address of Abakaliki Rice: Ndiechi Igbeagu Road Abakaliki Ebonyi State, Nigeria.

Telephone number of Abakaliki Rice: 08037457971.

2. Adaminna rice

price of bag of rice in Nigeria

Adaminna Rice is owned by Adaminna Farms Ltd. A Nigerian-registered agribusiness organization for farming, food processing, and consulting purposes. A variety of medium-sized farms are owned by the company in Niger State, Nigeria.

It is one of the leading exporters of high-quality agricultural products ranging from maize, rice, beans, yam flour, pepper, and much more from Nigeria to other West African countries and beyond. To sum up, they are currently available for human consumption in various parts of Nigeria

Contact Address of Adaminna Rice
Km 3, Minna-Chanchangi road, Beside NNPC filling station, Shango, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria

Email of Adaminna Rice:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Telephone No of Adaminna Rice:
+234-903-364-0591, +2348034638548

3. Al-Hamsad Rice

price of bag of rice in Nigeria

Al- Hamsad Rice is owned and controlled by Al- Hamzad Rice Mills Limited.

However, some of the rice they produced is categorized into two segments:

Main product and By-products.

The main products comprise of 
White Rice
Parboiled Rice. 

In the same vein, the by-products include 
White bran
White Rice (broken)
Grade C
Broken Rice
Mixed Rice
Rejected Ric

Contact Address of Al- Hamsad Rice
No 129, Kundila Road, Bompai, Kano State, Nigeria. 

Tel of Al- Hamsad Rice: 08160666220, 08182848384, 07035210021.

Email of Al- Hamsad Rice: [email protected]

4. Big Bull Rice

price of bag of rice in Nigeria

Here is the one of the biggest rice farm in Nigeria. WACOT Rice Limited, a rice processing company, owns this rice and operates an integrated state-of-the-art rice mill in Argungu, Kebbi State, Nigeria.

The mill is one of the largest rice mills in Sub-Saharan Africa and sources paddy from various paddy-producing states across Nigeria

WACOT Rice also engages in out-grower farming programs with paddy farmers to boost their yields and guarantees off-take of paddy from farmers through buyback arrangements. The rice mill is based on a robust sustainability platform. 

The company produces two leading brands of parboiled rice – 


WACOT Rice Limited is a member of the Tropical General Investments (TGI) Group headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria.

Vice President of Nigeria, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, commissioned the WACOT Rice Milling Plant in 2017. The plant occupies approximately 10 hectares of land and has an annual milling capacity of 120,000 MT. It also features silos for storing 30,000 tonnes of paddy, warehouses for storing an additional 12,000 tonnes of paddy, and a robust procurement network that reaches out to thousands of farmers.

Contact Address of Bigbull Rice

1, TGI Close, Ilupeju Industrial Estate, Apapa-Oworonshoki Expressway, Lagos.
Mill: KM-10, Argungu -Sokoto road, Argungu Kebbi State

Email of Bigbull Rice:
[email protected], [email protected]

Tel of Bigbull Rice: +234-1-7003000

5. Cosrice

Cosrice is a long-grain, proudly Made in Nigeria, stone-free rice. Coscharis Farms, located within Anambra, owns the company. Hygienically fertilized and cultivated rice grains are grown in this place, and house bio-experts process them into 100% long-grain parboiled rice for mass-market supply and consumption.

The farm is currently growing on 2,500 hectares of land in the first phase of project implementation with an anticipated 5,000 hectares of the out-growers scheme. In the 2016 planting season, the farm aims to achieve 3000 metric tons of rice paddy at the first output at the commercial quantity on 500 hectares.

Coscharis Farms aims to put its shoulder to the wheel by producing about 20,000 metric tons of rice by 2018 when they expect to achieve full-capacity rice operations in the first stage. This is in response to the present production of only 20,000 metric tons and an estimated local rice consumption of 300,000 metric tons in Anambra State.

Nevertheless, in the second phase of the project, Coscharis Farms plans to expand farming to 10,000 hectares of land with a capacity to produce about 70,000 metric tons of rice.

In addition, Coscharis farm currently has the potential to go into rice packaging which gives birth to Cosrice and is available in other local markets to bridge a gap in the rice industry…

Contact Address of Cosrice: Anaku Village, Ayamelum LGA, Anambra State, Nigeria.

6. Elephant Pride Rice

Rice farming in Nigeria for moshinfohub

Elephant brand has been in the market for over 25 years and has built a robust sales network over time across the country. All major rice distributors in Nigeria have been and continue to distribute the Elephant rice brand.

The rice brands are about the best in their respective range as they are fast becoming market leaders notwithstanding their relatively recent debut.

The rice brand is locally produced to premium quality and brings satisfaction to the consumers.

Elephant Pride Contact details
Elephant Group Centre, 8, Etal Avenue, Oregun, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.

Email of Elephant Pride: [email protected]

Tel of Elephant Pride: +234-9136729415

7. Ga’ate Gold Rice

how much is a bag of rice in Nigeria

This is another rice we’ve got to talk about in the Market’s Top Made in Nigeria Rice list. It is managed by the Nigerian Farmers Group and Cooperative Society (NFGCS), an organization set up in 2017 under a partnership with farming communities in the Kokona LGA district of Hadari Emirate, especially in the villages of Gaa’te, Marke, Mante, and Sabon Gida.

Besides, a former Niger Delta militant, Mr. Reston Tedheke, founded the NFGCS farm. The farm began in 2017 with three hectares and N1.5 m, now occupying 3,000 hectares and worth approximately one billion Naira, employing over 300 people. Tedheke was influenced by the emphasis on Agricultural diversification by the current administration.

The components of the farm include a ranch, crop farm, poultry, and a rice mill, amongst others. We can’t talk about them and not talk about“Kiakia”, a FinTech company, also a mobile payment company that also gives credit to farming communities, which has seen the future and supported the project… 

Contact Address of Ga’ate Gold Rice
Maraba Gaate, Kokona LGA, KM20 Keffi – Akwanga Road, Nasarawa State.

Email of Ga’ate Gold Rice: [email protected]

Tell of Ga’ate Gold Rice: 0806 385 8040 (Farm Manager)

8. Good Choice Rice

how much is a bag of rice in Nigeria

This is one company that has resurrected due to the closure of the Nigerian border. As we have known that the border closure had brought value to local rice in the country, especially the revival of rice mills hitherto struggling to survive due to smuggling.

In one of their statement, they claimed the company has engaged over 100 youth in various sectors in other to reduce the rate of unemployment across the state.

9. Igbemo Rice

how much is a bag of rice in Nigeria

The first private rice processing and branding company in Ekiti State, Nigeria, is Igbemo Rice Processing Company Limited.
From its inception, development, and expansion, Igbemo Rice Processing Company Limited has gone through monumental stages to deliver quality rice.

The organization is expanding into new horizons under the leadership of a charismatic visionary with a missionary zeal and a diverse group.

In the fields of rice farming, advanced processing technologies, and business ties, the company is currently cultivating partnerships with both local and foreign companies.

Igbemo Rice Promotes Bone Health:

Igbemo Rice is a product that focuses on brown rice. Brown rice is a good source of magnesium, a mineral important for bone health, according to Igbemo rice. Only one cup of brown Rice contains 21 percent of magnesium’s recommended daily price.

Most of the magnesium in your body is stored on or in your bones, so you can maintain a high magnesium level in your bones and reap the other health benefits by eating plenty of brown rice every week.

Also, Igbemo Rice is a brown rice brand. The method that produces brown rice removes only the rice kernel’s outermost layer, the shell, and is the least harmful to its nutritional value.

However, the complete milling and polishing that converts brown rice into white rice destroy 67% of the vitamin B3, 80% of the vitamin B1, 90% of the vitamin B6, half of the manganese, half of the phosphorus, 60% of the iron, and all of the dietary fiber and essential fatty acids.

Fully milled and polished white rice is required to be “enriched” with vitamins B1, B3, and iron.

Contact Address of Igbemo Rice
Factory Address: Km 4 Onigbemo Drive, Off Ijan Road, Igbemo – Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Postal Address: P. O. Box 2250, Ado – Ekiti, Ekiti State.
Email of Igbemo Rice: [email protected]
Tel of Igbemo Rice: 08063810098, 0803 729 5027

Rice Farming in Nigeria Continue

10. Labana Rice

Top Made in Nigeria Rice Available in the Market

Labana Rice is owned by Labana Rice Mills Limited, an integrated rice mill set up in 2012 in Birnin Kebbi State. Production began in November 2014 with two independent plants capable of producing 400 Metric Tonnes / Day.

However, the third additional plant currently under construction can produce parboiled rice of 300 Metric tons/day. This added up to 700 metric tons/day making Africa’s largest rice factory.

The company ensures that all divisions are staffed by skilled and competent staff members to ensure that the service remains the leading commodity on the market. The Department of Quality Control works hand in hand with the production department to manufacture parboiled rice of the highest quality.

In addition, the company promises to continue to engage its customers and other stakeholders in ensuring adequate product delivery nationwide as well as to their immediate West African sub-region neighbors.

Contact Address of Labana Rice
Km 2 off Sani Abacha bye-pass, Harasawa, Birnin kebbi.

Tel of Labana Rice:+23487192849, +2348094628070

11. Lula Rice

Rice Farming in Nigeria

Lula Rice is an indigenous Agric business company located in Gombe state and is a reputable processor and supplier of premium quality parboiled 100 percent sort-exed rice, providing the purest parboiled rice to its customers.

Phone Number – 08087383331

12. Mama Happy Rice

Rice Brands in Nigeria

Mama Happy Rice is another rice to talk about in Rice Farming in Nigeria the list of Top Made in Nigeria Rice Available in the Market. This particular rice is produced by the Taimako Mokwala Rice traders association, Bida, Niger state. Currently, you can only get it in Niger state.

Telephone number of Mama Happy Rice: 08036287686

13. Mama’s Pride Rice

Rice Brands in Nigeria

Many women in Nigeria who must feed hungry mouths make this their first choice. Because it is produced locally and distributed both inside and outside the borders of Nigeria and Africa, rice is comparatively inexpensive and accessible. OLAM Nigeria Limited produces Mama’s Pride.

Its low cost is a result of its reputation as one of the top rice producers with activities in Nigerian local communities.

They are active all over the world on different continents like South America, Central America, North America, East Africa, other West African countries, and even Australia.

They also have branches in nations like Senegal and Togo.

Because it has been examined as a component of organic food, this kind of rice has been certified as having a high nutritional value and being extremely beneficial for consumption by the general public.

Additionally, this brand parboils its rice, which makes it very simple to prepare and saves family fuel and the environment from hazardous gas emissions. Because its rice is free of stones and sand, a secure and enjoyable dinner is ensured.

This brand of rice is unquestionably among the greatest because its producers not only give the people of Nigeria nourishment but also employment.

Also, it is one of the biggest rice farm in Nigeria.

Contact Address of Mama’s Pride Rice
Behind Berth No. 1, Tincan Island Port, Gate 2, Apapa, Lagos,

Mama’s Pride Tel:
(+65) 6339 4100, (+234) 1 291 5994

14. Miva Rice

Rice Brands in Nigeria

Miva Rice is Mikap Nigeria Limited’s proud Nigerian rice and service. 

It is a performance parboiled sorted rice brand that is manufactured from local Farro 44 (sippi) & Farro 52 (Mars) long-grain hybrid rice varieties and packaged in bags of 50 kg, 25 kg, 10 kg, and 5 kg respectively.

The former Attorney General founded the rice processing mill used in 2011. The organization already has up to 10,000 farmers employed with government support.

The business aims to promote commercial farming, agro-processing, and marketing. Since 2011, Mikap has invested 8.5 metric tons per hour in polished parboiled paddy rice production.

Over 10,000 Agricultural Communities in Benue and Cross River States have been technically engaged in diffusing improved paddy rice production methods. These were made possible by working with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and the MARKETS II scheme of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)…

Contact Address of Miva Rice
Km 5, Gboko Road, North Bank, Makurdi, Benue State Nigeria…

Email of Miva Rice: [email protected]
Tel of Miva Rice: 08036133160, 08136610032

15. PACS Rice

Rice Farming in Nigeria

PACs Rice is produced by PROGRESSIVES AGRO-ALLIED COOPERATIVE SOCIETY (PACS) LTD, whose main focus is Agro-processing.

It is an outstanding effort to take advantage of the teeming number of patriotic citizens across the nation. It is a creative venture to turn opportunities into wealth, using integrity, information, and the vast connection available.

The company is a group formed to protect the economic interest of its members, reduce poverty and generate employment opportunities in Nigeria.

Contact Address of Pacs Rice
Suite A02, Area 11 Shopping Mall,
Area 11, Garki,
Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

Email of Pacs Rice: [email protected]

Tel of Pacs Rice:
08066020662, 08036369804
+234 906-816-4262
+234 802-228-5359

16. Savannah Premium Rice

Rice Farming in Nigeria for moshinfohub

Premium Savannah Rice is made from Onyx Rice Mill, which was established in 2009 and began full operation in 2013, producing more than 30,000 metric tonnes of rice. This particular Rice Mill is currently capable of producing 40 metric tonnes per day. 

However, there are currently over 50 employees in the Rice mill, including professional consultants, technicians, and administrators/marketers.

The company operates a semi-automated rice processing company with state-of-the-art equipment to ensure high performance and adhere to the quality service delivery business model.

Since 2013, Onyx Rice Mill has been successfully processing premium parboiled rice for the Nigerian market. At Onyx Rice Mill, the dream is to become one of Nigeria’s leading rice milling and processing plants.

To accomplish this, they have deployed the best production milling machines, engage in sound manufacturing practices, and ensure quality during rice milling and processing.

Contact Address of Savannah Rice
Along Bida – Badeggi highway in Bida directly opposite Litani Military Barracks. OR located along Wuya – Mokwa Road.

Email of Savannah Rice: rice(@)onyxricemill.ng
Tel of Savannah Rice: +234(0)809-3940-169

17. UMZA Rice

Rice Farming in Nigeria

This is another Rice we’ve got to talk about in the post on Rice Farming in Nigeria. UMZA Rice is a premium quality Nigerian grain rice controlled by Umza International Farms Limited in Ajingi, Kano. The company is primarily involved in the production of agricultural products, food processing, and rice.

UMZA International has a milling plant with a total milling capacity of 72,000 MT per year and the company is currently continuing to increase the milling capacity to about 120,000 metric tons per year.

UMZA Farms has proven its investment in the rice value chain where they currently work in paddy cultivation with farmers, particularly from Suru Local Government Area. The company has also secured the approval of 11,000 hectares of land in Agaie State Local Government Area for its backward integration program …

Contact Address of UMZA RICE
km 13, Zaria Road Before Kwanar Dawanau Kano, Yankaba, Ajingi, Kano, Nigeria

Other Ones that made the list of Top Rice Brands in Nigeria Available in the Market are;

18. Abadini Rice

19. ABS Parboiled Rice

20. Anambra Rice

21. Arike Rice

22. Big Crown Rice

23. Brother Babs Rice

24. Confluence rice of Kogi State

25. Cottage Rice

26. Crown Gold Rice

27. Double Bull Parboiled Rice

28. Ebony Super Rice

29. Famous Rice

30. Fursa Rice

31. Gerewa Rice

32. Hajo White Rice

33. Mama’s Choice Rice


35. Ogoja rice of Cross River State

36. Optimum Parboiled Rice

37. Plateau Rice of Plateau state

38. Queen Nigeria Rice

39. Royal Naija Rice

40. Tomato Rice

How Much is a Bag of Rice in Nigeria

It is difficult to accurately provide the current price of a bag of rice in Nigeria as prices can vary depending on various factors such as location, type of rice, and market conditions.

However, as a rough estimate, a 50kg bag of rice in Nigeria may cost around 25,000 to 50,000 Nigerian Naira. It is important to note that this is only an estimate and actual prices may vary. It is best to check with local retailers or markets for the most up-to-date and accurate price information.

Conclusion on Rice Farming in Nigeria

Nigerians are now eating over N1.2 billion local rice a day–since 2015 says RIFAN.

Also, CBN has not given forex to Rice importers. BoA Disburses N1.2bn Loan to Kebbi’s 8,653 rice farmers.

Another one by CBN is the Anchor Borrowers Program (ABP). They made it known to us that the international rice that we eat is expired. Because of this, we have to stop importing. Let’s encourage the farmers to get them in abundance to make the price fall.

Furthermore, Rice farming is an important agricultural activity in Nigeria, as rice is a staple food in the country. However, the rice farming industry in Nigeria has faced several challenges.

One major challenge is the lack of access to modern farming technologies and techniques, which results in low productivity and inefficient use of resources. Additionally, the lack of proper infrastructure such as roads and storage facilities makes it difficult for farmers to transport their crops to markets.

Despite these challenges, there have been efforts to improve the rice farming industry in Nigeria. For example, the government has implemented policies to increase the production and importation of rice, and there have been initiatives to provide training and resources to farmers to improve their techniques.

Overall, the rice farming industry in Nigeria has the potential to contribute significantly to the country’s economy and food security. However, addressing the challenges facing the industry will be crucial in achieving this potential.

Kindly contact us if you need to buy Rice at wholesale and retail prices. Both branded and unbranded Rice is available.


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  1. 03/06/2023

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